“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” - Clarence Budington Kelland
How do you live so others will learn?
“Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.” - Ausonius
How is your happiness adding to your youth? “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” - Mark Twain
How are you showing kindness to others? Please check out my latest YouTube podcast where I had the great pleasure of being interviewed on, The Conscious Action Podcast with Brian Berneman. You can listen and watch the podcast by clicking on the VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scrolling down and clicking on The Conscious Action Podcast tab.
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - CS Lewis
How are you working on your ending? This is a time of uncertainty. It is a time of change. It’s a time when options have been eliminated, when hard choices are being made.
This is a time of uncertainty. It is a time of change. It’s a time when options have been eliminated, when hard choices are being made. What does a Stoic do? When they’ve lost their job? When their income has dropped by half? When they’ve had to bury a sibling or a grandparent, or shutter a business or a close out a dream? They do what is necessary. This is a constant theme in Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations. Here was a man supporting a large family, with a difficult job, facing a plague, facing enemies, facing his own ill-health. Yet time and time again he reminds himself: My priority is to be good. My duty is to serve. I will not waver. I will not quit. I will not be heard complaining. I will keep going, unswerving, to the finish line. In his time, this was what it meant to “be a man,” or “to be a Roman.” But the Stoics also knew that there is nothing gendered or nationalistic about those four critical virtues of courage and justice and moderation and wisdom. There was nothing “ancient” about them either. Because they are what you’re called to do today. They are the answer to that question you and so many people are being forced to ask yourself right now. What do you do? You must do what is necessary. You must be brave, good, wise, and self-disciplined. Today and always. Please check out my latest YouTube podcast where I had the great pleasure of being interviewed on, Build Your Success Broadcast with Brian Brogen. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on Build Your Success Broadcast tab.
“Only time can heal what reason cannot.” - Seneca
How is time healing the pain you cannot understand? Please check out my latest YouTube podcast where I had the great pleasure of being interviewed on, The Be Better Broadcast with Brandon Eastman. You can listen to the broadcast by clicking on the VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on The Be Better Broadcast tab.
“The key is in not spending time, but investing it.” - Stephen R. Covey
How are you investing your time in reaching your goals? When the best in us stands together, we are more than we ever thought we could be. “Every addiction stems from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain.” - Eckhart Tolle
How can you stand up to your fear and pain? “The reward of winning a great battle is a greater battle.” - Erwin Raphael McManus
Are you able to face the darkness a second time? Please check out my latest YouTube podcast where I was interviewed on, The Jay Thakker Show. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on The Jay Thakker Show Podcast tab.
![]() ![]() Author & SpeakerTerry is a sought after speaker who believes in the power of a story to motivate, inspire, and help others lead their uncommon and extraordinary lives. By combining his thirteen-year terminal cancer journey with his diverse business, athletic coaching, and hostage negotiating expertise, he delivers compelling yet relatable presentations for conferences, on-line events, panels, meetings, and seminars. Archives
February 2025