Yesterday, I shared an interview with Dr. Brene Brown regarding her book, Dare to Lead. In her book, Dr. Brown talks about the importance of being vulnerable as a leader. Dr. Brown has given a number of TED talks, but the 4th most popular TED talk ever given, is her discussion regarding The Power of Vulnerability. In this talk, she describes the necessity to have the courage to be imperfect, the compassion for yourself and other and the connection you make with other people by being authentic. I hope you will take the time to watch this important discussion regarding embracing your vulnerability.
“Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die.”
Ray Norda What inevitable change is stopping you from achieving your destiny? Leave a comment and let me know.
“A person who is virtuous is wise; and a person who is wise is good; and a person who is good is happy.”
Boethius Do you possess the virtuous, good, and wise qualities to make yourself happy? Leave a comment about what makes you happy. In order to brighten your day, I present one of my favorite television commercials. Enjoy. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Goethe Do you know how to apply your knowledge in order to reach your goals? Leave a comment about what you are doing to apply the knowledge that will make you successful. “The unfed mind devours itself.”
Gore Vidal What are you feeding your mind with each day? Leave a comment about how you are improving your mind.
Acres of Diamonds
One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843 and lived until 1925. He was a lawyer for about fifteen years until he became a clergyman. One day, a young man went to him and told him he wanted a college education but could not afford the expense. Dr. Conwell decided, at that moment, to build a university for unfortunate, but deserving, students. He did have a challenge, however. He would need a few million dollars to build the university. For Dr. Conwell, and anyone with real purpose in life, nothing could stand in the way of his goal. Several years before this incident, Dr. Conwell was tremendously intrigued by a true story - with its ageless moral. The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became tremendously excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to mine diamonds. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds, which he never found. Eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned. Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found. The new owner of the farm said, 'The whole farm is covered with them' - and sure enough it was. The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine . . . the richest the world has ever known. The original farmer was literally standing on 'Acres of Diamonds' until he sold his farm. Dr. Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach it's moral. Each of us is right in the middle of our own 'Acre of Diamonds', if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures. Dr. Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for underprivileged deserving students. In fact, he raised nearly six million dollars and the university he founded, Temple University in Philadelphia, has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools. When Doctor Russell H. Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own 'Acre of Diamonds', he meant it. This story does not get old . . . it will be true forever . . . Opportunity does not just come along, it is there all the time - we just have to see it. . Written by Earl Nightingale “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are stronger in the broken places.”
Ernest Hemingway Can you overcome your failures to reach your dreams? Leave a comment about how you have overcome your failures? “Do not think it wasted time to submit yourself to any influence that will bring upon you any noble feeling.”
Ruskin What can you become a part of, that will improve your life today? “The person who will use their skill and constructive imagination to see how much they can give for a dollar, instead of how little they can give for a dollar, are bound to succeed.”
Henry Ford How are you using your talents and imagination to give to others? Leave a comment and let me know.
“A person really doesn’t become whole, until he becomes a part of something that’s bigger than himself.” - Jim Valvano
What are you involved in that is bigger than yourself? Leave a comment and let me know. |
![]() ![]() Author & SpeakerTerry is a sought after speaker who believes in the power of a story to motivate, inspire, and help others lead their uncommon and extraordinary lives. By combining his thirteen-year terminal cancer journey with his diverse business, athletic coaching, and hostage negotiating expertise, he delivers compelling yet relatable presentations for conferences, on-line events, panels, meetings, and seminars. Archives
February 2025