Please check out my latest audio recording from The Peale Appeal Podcast with Matt Peale. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the AUDIO PODCASTS & RADIO INTERVIEWS button at the top of this page, then click on the PODCAST INTERVIEWS tab and scroll down and click on The Peale Appeal Podcast tab.
New YouTube Recording Available From The Deep Life Podcast With Dan Elwood And Elise Palmieri12/20/2024 Please check out my latest YouTube recording from The Deep Life Podcast with Dan Elwood and Elise Palmieri. You can watch the podcast by clicking on the PODCAST & SPEAKING VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on The Deep Life Podcast tab.
Please check out my latest audio recording from the Proactive Is The Way Podcast with Toyia Bryant. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the AUDIO PODCASTS & RADIO INTERVIEWS button at the top of this page, then click on the PODCAST INTERVIEWS tab and scroll down and click on the Proactive Is The Way Podcast tab.
Please check out my latest YouTube recording from The David Watson Podcast Podcast with David Watson. You can watch the podcast by clicking on the PODCAST & SPEAKING VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on The David Watson Podcast tab.
What roles are you playing in your life right now?
Are you on top of the world, down on yourself, or just muddling through your existence? We all play different roles from time to time. We are human. No matter how positive you are, you will occasionally have ups and downs. Life is not linear for any of us. We have peaks, valleys, and plateaus. Donald Miller, Chief Executive Officer of Storyboard, describes the four roles we all play in life: 1. The Victim - This person believes they have no way out and nobody is willing to help them. 2. The Villain - This person makes others feel small and builds themselves up at the expense of others. 3. The Hero - This person faces their challenges head-on and finds a way to transform their life for the better. 4. The Guide - This person helps the hero with guidance, sage advice, or motivational pep talks. We've all played these roles from time to time in our life. When something negative impacted our life, we've all felt sorry for ourselves and couldn't see anything positive coming from our situation. When we were young and wanted to be part of the in-group, we probably bullied or neglected our classmates or peers. When everything clicked on all cylinders, we felt we were on top of the world, and nothing could get us down. As we've matured, we've understood that not everyone can be the king. Sometimes it's just as important and influential to be the king-maker. Our role in life is not about what happens to us but the mindset we use to tackle our circumstances. We will play multiple roles throughout our lives, slipping in and out of different functions based on our situations and outlook. Regardless of your conditions, it will solely be your choice on how to face it and what to do about it. Nobody is coming to help you. You must decide how much time you want to live in each role. Please comment about how you approach the different roles you play in your life. Your opinions and perspectives are valuable, and I'd appreciate hearing from you. Please check out my latest YouTube recording from the Kangaroo Leadership Podcast with my friend Dave Nordel. You can watch the podcast by clicking on the PODCAST & SPEAKING VIDEOS button at the top of this page and scroll down and click on the Kangaroo Leadership Podcast tab.
![]() ![]() Author & SpeakerTerry is a sought after speaker who believes in the power of a story to motivate, inspire, and help others lead their uncommon and extraordinary lives. By combining his thirteen-year terminal cancer journey with his diverse business, athletic coaching, and hostage negotiating expertise, he delivers compelling yet relatable presentations for conferences, on-line events, panels, meetings, and seminars. Archives
February 2025